Friday, 6 August 2010

New York condemns two men to jail for a vicious hate crime

"What you did was beyond the comprehension of any civilized person."
- Judge Patricia DiMango

"I want to offer my deepest, humblest apology for the outcome of that night. I swear to God that is not what I intended to happen."

- Keith Phoenix, defendant

Two men in New York have been condemned to 37 years in prison, each, for beating two Ecuadorean brothers to death, when they mistook them for a gay couple, back in December 2008.

Firstly, it makes me embarrassed at how ludicrously lenient sentencing laws are in the UK, when compared to the US, particularly for a crime as heinous as this.

Secondly, it sounds to be very much like the men in question are a bit like the thief who got caught - i.e. not in the least bit sorry they stole, but awfully sorry they're going to prison.

For more on the story - read here.


  1. "Secondly, it sounds to be very much like the men in question are a bit like the thief who got caught - i.e. not in the least bit sorry they stole, but awfully sorry they're going to prison."

    What exactly is the basis for your assumption here. Are you just doubtful of the notion of remorse? Many defendants fail or refuse to show any form of contrition during trial and sentencing.

  2. No, I have no doubt in the notion of remorse. I just happen to have a lively scepticism when CCTV caught them grinning and laughing about it hours after they actually killed these two men.

  3. Tragic and deplorable.

    I hope these animals get the full 37 years as sentenced, and not time off for ‘good behaviour’ while in prison. The courts need to send a message that hate crimes are NOT tolerated in a civilized society.
