Sunday, 16 June 2013

Progress on the book

Well, progress on my first non-fiction book, a history of the British monarchy, is going well. I was slightly behind where I would have liked to be schedule-wise, due to an unforeseen work commitment that arose in April, but right now, I've just finished dealing with the Plantagenets and I'm typing up my draft on the Tudors for the final chapter of volume 1.

Thank you so much for everyone who's been so supportive through this blog and I hope I'll be able to produce a book you will all enjoy. In the meantime, the fine people at Amazon have an offer for Kindle versions of my first novel, Popular - if anyone is interested!

Thank you again and hope you all had a safe and fun weekend.



  1. Great to see that's it coming along well! I've been following your blog for a while now and I love to read your work. You put such time and effort into what you do, and you write so well. I can hardly wait till you're done! - Kim

  2. Very excited for this, especially your section on the Tudors. I'm hoping your biography of Anne Boleyn is going well, too. Best of luck!
